Rihanna Brings Black Lips Back At Puma
Backstage beauty at Rihanna's Puma collection
Rihanna knows how to get peoples attention, and she's managed to prove that it's not just her music that is pushing boundaries. The super star showcased an incredible first collection with Puma at New York, with edgy street style pieces we wish we were brave enough to wear. But clothes aside, it was her outlandish beauty look that caught our attention.
image: http://www.look.co.uk/sites/default/files/imagecache/scaled_620px_wide/pic5_3.jpg
Models were given a very literal touch of frost as they strode down the runway, with white paint covering the front of their hair and fake snow sprinkled down the back. The hair itself was slicked down at the front and left free flowing down the back. The frosty theme continued with the makeup, contrasting white lashes with a dark black lip. brows were smokey and kept, and a shadowy contour applied in the hollows of the cheeks enhanced models cheekbones, combined with the lacklustre skin it gave an overall sinister and quite gaunt look.
image: http://www.look.co.uk/sites/default/files/imagecache/scaled_620px_wide/pic2_4.jpg
In true Rhi Rhi form the nails were long and claw like and the choice of design followed the eye catching gothic theme and were painted in an ombre style going from jet black to ice white. Pieces of fake snow were glued onto the tips; a quirky take on a french manicure.
image: http://www.look.co.uk/sites/default/files/imagecache/scaled_620px_wide/pic6_0.jpg
But, while Rhianna’s army were, of course able to rock it we’re questioning whether or not us mere mortals could carry off such a striking look. This isn’t the first time we've seen inky lips taking centre stage on the catwalk. last year both Giles and Ungaro showcased the vampy trend and left us in a similar dilemma. To do, or not to do black?\
image: http://www.look.co.uk/sites/default/files/imagecache/scaled_620px_wide/pixc4.jpg
If this show is like anything she does, we’re sure we wont be seeing the last of the trend, so here’s some do’s and don’ts to consider before trying out the shade.
- Don’t go for a black lipstick, pick a really dark berry or brown shade instead, like Mac’s Lipstick in Cyber, £15.50.
- Do wear fake tan, or at least mix in some liquid bronzer with your ordinary foundation to avoid being washed out.
- Do use a lip liner and be extra careful when applying your vampy lippy.
- Do use a Lipcote, £3.69, even the slightest smudge will be hugely noticeable.
Read more at http://www.look.co.uk/beauty/black-lipstick-trend#HoR64y6Zq872CpsV.99